COMPLAINTS of bullying and threatening behaviour have been made by council staff following a mayor’s ceremonial dinner.

Slough Borough Council has confirmed it has received complaints regarding a number of incidents that took place during the Slough mayoral dinner last Thursday, hosting both current and former councillors and their guests.

Chrissy Small, former Slough mayor, spoke to the victim of the abuse during the event, although she did not witness what happened. According to her, a member of staff’s job was threatened over a dispute about the food on offer.

She said: “He just shrugged his shoulders and said ‘it’s just part of the job’. This is Slough not the Mafia. That upset me more – that the young man thought it was part of his job, to be spoken to like that.

“You can’t behave like that and intimidate people.”

The behaviour has been branded a disgrace by cllr Diana Coad, UKIP, who was present at the meal.

She said: “It’s very unfair they put him in a situation where they are being bullied but can’t respond. It’s morally wrong.”

The event was organised to celebrate the appointment of cllr Arvind Dhaliwal, mayor, and Ishrat Khan, deputy mayor, which took place on Tuesday, May 17.