A PUB is sponsoring a youth football team for a second year.

Tom Vercetti, manager of the Crooked Billet, Uxbridge Road, Iver, is sponsoring the Thames Valley Youth FC for a second year. Additionally, the Crooked Billet will be holding a fundraising day in the coming year for Sport in Mind, a charity that helps people fight mental illness through sport.

Mr Vercetti said that he first became involved in the football team thanks to the connections of one of his regulars. Mr Vercetti said: "I chose to support Sport in Mind because I thought it would be a great opportunity to offer a bit of help, especially considering how important their work is. We held a fundraising day for Macmillan earlier this year, which was a big success."

Mr Vercetti added: "It was quite tough to establish myself here due to the poor reputation of the previous establishment. I had to work to regain customer's trust. But I think I've turned things around, and they know I am here to stay."