Staff at Slough's Spire Thames Valley Hospital in Wexham Street have come up with a great way to raise their spirits - while reminding people of the importance of social distancing.

Outpatient manager Sharon Hoscik tweeked the words of the famous Cliff Richard hit Summer Holiday to become 'we are all practising our social distancing' instead of 'we are all going on a summer holiday'.

The resulting video shows the team neatly choreographed to show exactly the right amount of distance, while belting out the new version of the song with gusto.

Spire business development manager Sonia Kalsi said: "We had so much fun and laughter during the production of this video and we pay special recognition to our outpatient manager Sharon Hoscik for writing the words, the business development team for shooting and editing the video and to our interim hospital director Tania Terblanche for getting everyone together."

The private hospital is working closely with its NHS neighbour Wexham Park Hospital during the COVID-19 crisis.