WEARING face coverings will no longer be mandatory if the Government go ahead with plans to ease restrictions on Monday, July 19.

Following on from step four of the Government's roadmap out of lockdown, the legal requirement to wear a face covering indoors will be scrapped from July 19.

It means the use of face coverings will become "personal choice," with the Government issuing advice on their use in crowded, or enclosed spaces.

Before the move was confirmed, proposals for their removal caused quite the stir with the Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer calling the decision "reckless."

He was talking about the decision to lift all restrictions in one go, while calling for face coverings to remain mandatory on public transport.

Slough Observer:

Meanwhile, the Health Secretary Sajid Javid said it marked a move towards individual exercising their own responsibility, saying they should be worn in certain situations.

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What our poll says

It seems people in Berkshire are generally in favour of sticking with the covering beyond that July date.

The Bracknell News and our sister titles (Reading Chronicle, Slough Observer and Windsor Observer) conducted a straw poll earlier this week and saw more than 44 responses from people right across the county.

The poll, which ran for several hours, found that x people - said yes when asked whether they would continue to wear a covering.

What people in the county have said about face coverings

We also asked readers for their views and asked them to explain their reasons behind their decision.

One woman said masks are there to protects others 'not yourself' so the choice to whether you want to wear one to keep other people safe.

Lauren Mitchell from Bracknell said: "I’ve been wearing my mask to protect others, rather than myself regardless of if I have liked wearing one or not. I will continue to do so for now for others and people who might not be able to have the jabs."

Linda Southam simply said she'll continue to wear her mask in shops and public places.

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Other people think we should have a choice if we want to wear a mask or not.

Lisa Shaw said: "If you don't feel comfortable than please, feel free to wear one. But the sooner we understand this isn't going away, and is something we are going to have to learn with, the sooner we can move forward as a society."

Reading readers appear to be more relaxed when it comes rules lifting in two weeks time.

One woman said: "I don't want to wear a mask when I go to see my son who has special needs"

Paul Clark said: "I think a business should have the ability to insist on customers wearing on their premises if they so wish to."

In Slough people are far more reluctant to give up wearing their face coverings.

Norma Wood said: "I will still wear mine when I think it is appropriate for me to keep safe, purely my choice!"

Shiera Hall echoed this and said: "Not until infection rates go down."