GREEN bin collections will be on ‘hiatus’ throughout the winter, Slough Borough Council has announced.

The fortnightly pick-up service will be taking a short break from Monday, November 22, when less gardening waste is created.

This will impact 28,000 Slough residents, but the council say green waste, which includes grass cuttings, weeds, and hedge trimmings, can be taken to Chalvey Household Waste and Recycling Centre at any time of the year.

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This service, which is limited to one green bin per household, does not incur an additional cost to residents unlike many of the neighbouring local authorities, which also have a hiatus over the winter months.

The green waste is taken to the Chalvey Household Waste and Recycling Centre where it is transferred to composting facilities in Bracknell, to produce high-quality compost products.

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Collections will resume on March 21, 2022.

See what can be put in the green bins, and to apply for a green bin, here –

For more information about what goes into waste, recycling and green bins visit –