CELEBRATIONS were in order at a community fair in Chalvey.

The Pakistan Welfare Association brought smiles and laughter at the Eid Fair on Sunday, May 8.

With more than 500 people in attendance, a Dali clown performed to families and gave out free balloons.

More than 25 stalls took part in the fair including businesses selling a range of items including clothes and delicious cakes.

The team raised £800 from the day which will be used to fund the group’s elderly lunch club.

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Councillor Shaida Akbar, of the Pakistan Welfare Association, said: “We had more than 500 people come along on the day and they all loved it.

“It really brought the community together, everyone from Chalvey came along, the atmosphere was electric, it was wonderfully organised and a great family event.

"The community really appreciated the team's efforts."

Shaida said the Pakistan Welfare Association is already planning its next fair in August.