A Windsor Primary School has been inspected by Ofsted for the first time in 12 years.

Hilltop First School on Clewer Hill Road was previously ranked as 'outstanding', but inspectors have moved the school down a level, now ranking it 'good'.

Despite this, the majority of the report is very positive about the school, with praise given to "ambitious" staff and "happy", "eager" pupils.

The report says: "Pupils behave well. They are polite, friendly and supportive of one another.

"Pupils understand what bullying is and that it is not acceptable.

"They know that instances of being unkind are not tolerated and that adults will deal with these."

Staff members at the school have created a safe environment where pupils are encouraged to speak out about things that make them uncomfortable.

The school also ensures focused support is given to pupils based on their needs.

"Leaders and school staff want the best for all pupils.

"Leaders have thought carefully about the two-year rolling programme to ensure that the mixed-age classes cover the curriculum.

"There are, however, some inconsistencies in how the curriculum is delivered."

The school has been recognised for its work to identify and support SEND pupils, implementing "effective strategies" to help with learning.

"Everyone has a clear understanding of their responsibility for pupils’ safety and wellbeing.

"Where there are concerns that a child is at risk, leaders and staff act swiftly." 

Issues raised in the report include "variability in staff subject knowledge" and the need for teachers to "deepen learning through targeted interactions".

Ofsted has raised attendance issues in the report, stating that "families take extended holidays during term time" which should be discouraged.

Headteacher Lynn Bima said: "We are delighted and proud to share our Ofsted report.

"The report reflects our high expectations for pupils and the inclusive nature of Hilltop.

"We would like to thank the staff for the time and effort that has gone into building a successful, happy learning environment for your children and for the energy and commitment that was shown over the two days of the inspection."

The Ofsted report explains the decade-long gap between inspections stating "the school was exempted by law from routine inspection".

The school was inspected by Ofsted on November 29 and 30, 2022.