Footfall in Slough town centre has taken a hit since the Queensmere Shopping Centre redevelopment was announced - now businesses raise their concerns, with worries that two big brands could make or break Slough.

Amongst the stores raising concerns is Partiz.

Assistant store manager Kamal Mohand said: "I am concerned about the future of Slough.

"If shops continue to close, lots of people will lose their jobs."

Slough Observer: Slough shopping centre

Kamal felt like everything began to go downhill in 2018.

"First the businesses closed down, the big companies left - M&S and Next - one after one," he said.

Then he reports the pandemic hit and later the news of the redevelopment and partial closure of the shopping centre.

"If Primark left it will be hard to survive and lots of shops will close," Kamal added.

Amongst his concerns, Kamal also mentioned he did not feel Slough was safe anymore.

"A month ago someone was stabbed," he explained.

While local businesses continue to push through the tricky redevelopment period, they are also struggling to compete with the online marketplace.

Somalia Fashion has confirmed that their online business does better than their store situated in the shopping centre.

"At the moment the footfall is so bad," the store assistant said.

"Business rates are the biggest killer and there is not much attraction to the centre."

They shared that they feel Slough is facing a 'slow death' and hopes that more traders will move in.

Luke Evered at Timpsons said: "Primark is what is keeping Slough going.

"Bigger names need to come back."

Slough Observer: Slough shopping centre

The local businesses recalled that five years ago it was common to see shoppers coming from out of the area, but now the only people who go into the centre are locals.

"We only get used if we are really needed," Luke Evered added.

It is a different story for jeweller F.Hinds who said that despite seeing a decrease of footfall, they are still achieving the same level of sales.

However the store manager added: "Since I've been here it is concering as the high street is empty. This might be our last Christmas."

  • Are you a local business who has been impacted by the redevelopment? We want to hear from you at