A homeless project has spoken out about the need for more provisions in Slough after a man deemed to be sleeping rough was found dead near shipping containers.

On February 4 this year Thames Valley police were called to Westfield Lane in George Green following a concerning report.

A man, now identified as Terence Brooks, 64, of no fixed abode, was found dead in a shipping container by two teenage boys who were exploring on their bicycles. One of the boys alerted his mum and the police were later called to the scene.

At the time, Slough Outreach took to Facebook in a statement reading: "We are saddened to learn that a body found in Masons Farm in George Green area is believed to be of a guy sleeping rough in there."

However, is wasn't until Wednesday, May 17, that Mr Brooks was confirmed to have been homeless as the Buckinghamshire Coroners Court heard his inquest.

The inquest stated the post-mortem examination revealed his death was caused by positional asphyxia after being stuck in a narrow space between two containers.

This led to the loss of consciousness as the “unusual position” stopped his breathing.

He is believed to have slept rough inside the container, where bedding, a mug, cigarette lighter and tins were discovered.

READ MORE: Homeless man dies after being stuck between containers, inquest hears

Shin Dhother, founder of Slough Outreach, a charity dedicated to helping the homeless and vulnerable in the community by providing meals and signposting them to other organisations said Mr Brooks death could have been avoided.

Shin said: "I am deeply saddened by this news story. This is a tragic accident that could have been avoided.

"I would like to offer my condolences to the man's family and friends.

"I hope that his death will serve as a wake-up call to our community and that we will all work together to prevent such a tragedy from happening again."

Shin believes it is important to signpost people in need of help to receive the relevant support, with Slough Outreach working with local people to help engagement with local services providing support.

"I believe we need to do more to address the issue of homelessness," he added.

"This includes providing more affordable housing, increasing access to mental health and addiction treatment, and raising awareness of the issue.

"I believe this case could have been avoided if the man had been able to access the help he needed.

"If he had been aware of the resources available to him, he may not have felt the need to sleep in a dangerous place."