A Slough knitting enthusiast has created a post-box topper to celebrate the centenary of Bray village hall.

Vicky Henley has been a member of the local knitting group for many years and has taken an interest in creating toppers for big events including the Queen’s jubilee and the King’s coronation.

The knitting group was created by Samina Hussain from Slough who wants to help cancer patients through their chemo treatment with fun and colourful knitted socks. This was after going through her own cancer journey.

Knit Your Socks Off also wishes to raise awareness and to show people that a cancer diagnosis does not mean your life is ending.

Bray Village Hall is a popular venue within the town, often used for functions and fun night’s out.

The post box topper, created by Vicky, includes the building of the village hall with pink and white balloons and flowers.

The Knit Your Socks group have said that they are dedicated to spreading wooley love one stitch at a time.