A POPULAR Indian restaurant in the heart of Slough has been slapped with a £25,000 fine after a "fly-tipping horror".

Akaya Lounge on Slough High Street has been fined after brazenly fly-tipping on the verges of the service road behind the shops.

Following a prosecution by Slough Borough Council, Fastfood Business Ltd, owners of Akaya Lounge were found guilty at Reading Magistrates Court on Friday, June 30 of three counts of fly-tipping in the same spot on Grove Parade during February and March this year.

The case in the business’s absence after they failed to turn up to court.

The following fines were issued:

  • £5,000 for the first count
  • £7,500 for the second count
  • £9,000 for the third count
  • £2,000 victim surcharge
  • £1,500 cost

Bringing the total to £25,000.

Councillor Iftakhar Ahmed, lead member for leisure, community cohesion, regulation, enforcement and planning, said: “This business has shown a blatant disregard for the area, the law, the environment and the residents of the town they operate in.

“Their behaviour in consistently continuing to fly tip is disgusting and I hope this result serves as a warning to those who may consider following in their footsteps; we will gather evidence and we can and will prosecute anyone who treats our town like a dumping ground.”