Residents are being invited to have their say on the council's plans for the future as they set out a focus on health inequalities and the future of local children.

Slough Borough Council has launched a consultation into a newly published draft corporate plan for what they intend to deliver in the town.

The plan sets out the council’s purpose, approach and priorities for the next year.

Local residents are now being asked for their thoughts on the proposal including; whether it is the right vision, the right approach and whether the priorities are right.

The leading vision is: "Closing the healthy life expectancy gap, by focusing on children."

In the plan, it is mentioned that: "Slough has poor healthy life expectancy compared to neighbouring areas and one of the youngest populations in the country."

It goes on to say that a child’s early development and experiences play a "key role" in determining future health and well-being.

Together with the council's partners and the community, the council plans to improve outcomes for all Slough’s children and give them a good start in life.

Slough Borough Council says it will approach the plans by being resident-focused, providing financial stability, enabling residents and communities, strengthening partnerships and building trust.

Leader of Slough Borough Council, Councillor Dexter Smith, said: “This corporate plan puts an important focus on the health inequalities in Slough, and on our children’s healthy futures.

Stephen Brown, chief executive, added: “This plan is the key strategy document for us and shows, not only how we intend to continue to recover from the financial crisis of two years ago, but what we want to deliver for the town and its residents.

“This is a new start for Slough Borough Council, a new senior team, a new political administration and now a new strategy and way forward which rightly focuses on our children, the health inequalities in our town and Slough.

“Please have your say.”

The consultation is now open and will close on August 7.

People can have their say on the consultation site: