Residents of Slough are expressing mixed reactions to the news of a McDonald's drive-thru opening in their town.

While some residents are excited about the new addition to their community, others are less enthusiastic.

David Barkus, a local resident, expressed his desire for a Burger King drive-thru, stating that it would be a welcome addition.

Emma Stewart responded to his comment, stating that she had inquired about it but there were no plans for a Burger King in the area.

Some residents, like Louisaseanloveridge Sines, Andreea Deea, and Sophiee Helen Irene Sprenger, expressed their enthusiasm for the McDonald's drive-thru, with Sprenger simply replying "Yes." Ed Bates, on the other hand, expressed a comical sentiment, stating that he felt himself wasting away as he drove between different fast-food establishments.

Amit Kalra questioned the need for so many drive-thrus, jokingly asking why they wanted one for every block of flats.

Clair Blakemore welcomed the opening of a McDonald's near her end of Slough instead of having to travel to the other end of town.

Not all residents are in favor of the new drive-thru.

Robert Macmillan expressed concerns about potential cardboard waste and how it would fit with the existing graffiti in the area.

While there is a range of opinions regarding the McDonald's drive-thru, the news has sparked conversations among the residents of Langley.

It remains to be seen how the new addition will be received by the community once it opens its doors.