Young fundraisers have ‘braved the shave’ in memory of a much-loved father.

On Wednesday, July 12 Bertie O’Brien, aged 10, together with his best friend Toby Hicks, organised a ‘Crazy Hair Day’ fundraiser at their school, Braywick Court in Maidenhead, in memory of Bertie’s dad James.

James spent the last days of his fight against Cancer with Thames Hospice - which Bertie hopes to raise funds in aid of.

With the support of school friends, family and the wider community, Bertie and Toby have almost reached their target of £10,000.

James passed away following a short battle with cancer in April 2023.

Bertie’s mum, Jodie Carter said: “At the beginning of James’ journey, Bertie made a pact with his dad that if he lost his hair, he would shave his hair off so they could be the same, in the hope that James would feel less sad about losing his own hair.

“This stage was sadly never reached and James passed away in April at Thames Hospice."

In memory of his dad, Bertie, from Burnham, wanted to honour his promise and, together with Toby, bravely decided to shave their hair.

Jodie added: "Not only have their fundraising efforts exceeded all expectations but the boys’ story of friendship and support has been so inspiring. 

“Thames Hospice is wonderful with amazingly kind, caring and compassionate staff.

They supported us through James’s final days and still support us as a family to this day.”

Bertie's school, Braywick Court, has been behind the fundraiser and embraced ‘Crazy Hair Day’ with many attending school with "magnificent" hair styles and colours.

After getting their heads shaved during morning assembly in front of the entire school, Bertie and Toby got sponged (along with a few teachers), decorated cakes as part of a bake sale and hosted an art competition all for donations for the Hospice.

Talking about the fundraiser Bertie said: “I have really enjoyed planning everything with Toby, and the bit I have been most excited about is shaving my head. 

“If you believe, you can achieve.”

Tody added: “It has been so fun planning our fundraising day together and watching the amount we have raised grow each day.

"I’m happy I’ve been there to support Bertie and can’t believe how much we’ve raised.”

To view the fundraiser visit