The public consultation for a new fast food branch in Slough has closed.

McDonald's previously revealed plans for a new drive-thru only branch in Langley, opening the floor to feedback from the local community.

Residents were given until July 20 to have there say.

A spokesperson for McDonald's said: "The public consultation is now closed.

"We received over 250 submissions and we're pleased that the majority of respondents were positive about our plans."

Since the consultation closed, McDonald's have revealed more details about their plans for the proposed site on London Road.

The plans include space for 21 cars to queue on-site, with the aim to ensure no negative impact is caused to traffic flows.

A further 11 car parking spaces will be provided on site including blue badge parking.

The spokesperson added: "Vehicle access to and from our proposed Drive-Thru restaurant would be from the south off London Road.

"The site access junction is located to the west of Foxborough Close.

"It is proposed to relocate the existing on street cycle way to facilitate two way traffic to and from the site access."

McDonald's have also added to their proposals that they will fund a new pedestrian and cycle route along London Road with a raised table for cyclists at the site entrance to ensure safe travel.

Recycling and waste facilities would also be added across the site to encourage disposal of waste.

McDonald's have assured resident that the "new and attractive" drive-thru will be operated with residents in mind and will include "appropriate control measures" to limit coooking odours and strong lighting.

Litter picks will also take place three times a day to ensure the area around the restaunt is kept clear.