A new food hygiene ratings has been awarded to a Slough takeaway, the Food Standards Agency’s website shows.

Asian Bite, a takeaway at 104 Knolton Way, Slough was given a new food hygiene rating from the Food Standards Agency after an assessment on June 29.

The FSA inspects restaurants, cafes, canteens, pubs, bars, nightclubs and takeaways for their food hygiene.

What the different ratings mean:

5 – hygiene standards are very good

4 – hygiene standards are good

3 – hygiene standards are generally satisfactory

2 – some improvement is necessary

1 – major improvement is necessary

0 – urgent improvement is required

Asian Bite was given a four-out-of-five rating.

It means that of Slough's 122 takeaways with ratings, 51 (42 per cent) have ratings of five and none have zero ratings.