A CARPET fitter who was found guilty of sexually assaulting a young girl has had his sentencing date delayed.

Parvinder Singh, of Havelock Road, Southall, Ealing, was found guilty at Reading Crown Court earlier this year with one count of ‘intentionally touching a woman aged 16 or over and that touching was sexual when she did not consent and you did not reasonably believe that she was consenting’.

The incident happened on April 8, 2020 at a home in Slough where the 36-year-old was helping his friend install a carpet.

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It was heard in court that Singh kissed the girl on the cheek as well as touching her chest in her bedroom while he was plugging in an electric staple gun. Police were then called to the home and pictures were taken of the workmen on site.

The young girl later identified Singh as the man who had touched her and he was later arrested and charged.

Singh denied any wrongdoing admitting he was in her bedroom but he had ‘simply fallen on her’ and had not intended to touch her.

He was due to be sentenced at the same court on Tuesday (November 21) but the hearing was adjourned due to a lack of barristers.

Recorder Rachel Drake told Singh: “It will be obvious to you, looking around the courtroom that there is no barrister available to prosecute you today and there is no barrister here to represent you either.

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“I’m very sorry to keep you waiting this morning but what I’ve been trying to do is either get people here today to deal with your case of find out when we can have people here later this week.

“I’m quite sure you want this situation resolved and to find out what your sentence is going to be but I can’t do that today as there is no one here to represent you so what I’m going to do is adjourn the case until Friday this week.

“I’m very sorry that you’ve been put in this situation, I recognise it must create an element of anxiety for you but you’re free to do now but keep in touch with your solicitor.”

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Singh is now due to be sentenced on Friday, November 17. The carpet fitter was due to be sentenced earlier this year in May but it is unknown why that sentencing date was also adjourned until this month.