A man who attempted to use a rescue dog to smuggle £800,000 of cocaine into the country has been jailed.

Mexican national Jorge Pablo Samano Galas, 43, used his canine companion Camila as an "unwitting accomplice" during an organised crime operation.

Two-year-old Camila was brought to the UK in May by Samano Galas.

On arrival at Heathrow, Animal Aircare Reception Centre staff carrying out standard welfare checks on the dog noticed that her crate felt unusually heavy, was oddly sized and smelt strongly of paint stripper.

After examining the crate they found ten one-kilo blocks of a white substance hidden within a false base.

Slough Observer:

They called in the Border Force, who confirmed the substance was cocaine.

An NCA investigation began and Samano Galas was arrested when he arrived to collect his pet.

In a subsequent interview, Samano Galas told NCA officers he had bought the dog from a rescue centre in Mexico a few weeks prior and had booked a holiday in the UK so that they could “bond.”

Officers found that it had cost him over £3,000 to ship the dog, and a return journey had not been booked.

Subsequent enquiries showed multiple other inconsistencies in his account of the trip – including evidence that he had repeatedly changed his travel dates and route to the UK.

Samano Galas eventually pleaded guilty to importing class-A drugs.

At a hearing on Friday, November 24 at Winchester Crown Court, a judge sentenced him to six years and four months of prison time.

Slough Observer:

Camila has been looked after by staff at the reception centre since, one of whom will now become her permanent owner.

NCA senior manager Darren Barr said: “This was a cynical attempt to bring hundreds of thousands of pounds of class A drugs into the UK.

“Cocaine smugglers like Samano Galas play a crucial role in the business model of international organised crime groups, and their activities perpetuate violence and intimidation throughout the UK.

“While Samano Galas now faces prison, the story will have a happier ending for his unwitting accomplice Camila, who will spend the rest of her life in a happy home.”

Slough Observer:

Jake Holliday, Head of Animal Welfare LHR, said: “We decided to foster Camila while the NCA investigation was ongoing to ensure that she was given the love she deserved.

“It quickly became apparent that she was a friendly, affectionate girl who thrived off meeting new people.

“Now, after many months, it’s been confirmed that Camila can go home with one of our animal welfare officers, who she adores."