A violent attack has been identified as a hate crime following investigations by Thames Valley Police.

The incident occurred around 7 pm on Tuesday, November 21 when the man in his fifties was walking through Langley Memorial Park.

The victim was approached by a group of boys who tried to grab the victim’s beard. They then circled the man and kicked him to the ground.

The group are described as teenage boys between the ages of 13 and 16 years old.

After being hospitalised for three broken ribs as well as swelling and cuts to his hand police started investigations into the incident of GHB.

Thames Valley Police have now released a new re-appeal after further information came forward.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Holly Baxter, based at Slough police station, said: “I am appealing to anybody who was in the area around the time of the incident, which we were initially investigating as an incident of GBH, but are now treating as a hate crime, to please get in touch with Thames Valley Police.”

The man has been identified as part of the Sikh community.

Officers are currently conducting further patrols in the area of Langley Memorial Park.

They said: “We are currently conducting further patrols in the area and anyone with concerns should speak to a uniformed officer or contact us by calling 101 or via our website.

“We take all reports of hate crime seriously as we know that they have a devastating impact on individual victims and targeted communities.

“Anyone with dash-cam, video doorbell or any other potential recordings from around 7pm on 21 November can contact us by making a report online or by calling 101, quoting reference 43230524527.”