A proposed new state-of-the-art medical centre in Slough has taken a step closer to fruition.

A planning application has now been submitted for the new community diagnostic centre at Upton Hospital on Albert Street, Slough.

If built as planned, it will provide various diagnostic facilities including MRI, CT, ultrasound and phlebotomy.

The design and access statement reads: “The proposals for the new Community Diagnostic Centre at Upton Hospital have been developed with regard for its setting and alongside a process of public and stakeholder engagement.

“Consequently, the project not only meets the aspirations of Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust but also provides a more far-reaching community resource with contemporary facilities that promote a broader wellness agenda and help to meet national targets for diagnostics provision.”

Existing buildings at the site are being demolished to make way for the new centre, which are described in the statement as “outdated” premises.

It adds: “The proposals described in this document allow a non-functioning site to be rationalised and brought back into use, in order to provide a contemporary community diagnostic centre that is able to meet the growing demands of the wider community.

“The design of the scheme is for a modern, accessible diagnostic centre to be provided within a sustainable facility that makes a positive contribution to the local environment.”

The site falls within walking distance of Slough town centre, making it accessible on foot as well as by car, train, bus or bicycle.

The applicant also claimed that public feedback from an engagement portal and questionnaire was “generally favourable”.

The design and access statement adds: “The massing and materials are carefully chosen to respond to the immediate context while also blending in with the town’s overall aesthetic.

“St. Mary’s Church and the nearby residential units primarily use brick as their facade material, while further away, there is a wider variety of materials used, such as stone cladding, glass facades, and rendered concrete.

“This selection of materials accounts for the range of choices available in the wider area.”

It comes after Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust and partners secured £25 million of national investment to develop the new centre.

The centre is intended to help reduce waiting lists, increase capacity and boost health outcomes of the people living the area.

To find out more about this planning application, visit Slough Borough Council’s planning portal with the reference P/09190/038.