Some parking permit prices in Windsor and Maidenhead could see a rise under proposed changes to fees and charges.

The council is seeking residents’ views on suggested changes to both on and off-street parking charges due to be implemented in February 2024.

Included in the consultation are different pricing options for on-street parking in residential areas.

At present, a first resident’s permit costs £50, a second one would cost £75 and a third would cost £110.

The council’s two proposed options would both see first permit charges kept low to benefit single-car households.

Option A sees first permit charges rise slightly to £75, with second and third hiked to £150 and £220 respectively.

However, option B would see the price of a first permit frozen at £50 – while second and third permits would see an even more drastic rise to £225 and £330.

RBWM transport lead councillor Geoff Hill said: “The council is facing serious financial challenges, and Cabinet is fully focused on taking the actions needed to set the organisation onto a secure financial footing.

“This includes bringing forward changes to fees and charges, ahead of the new financial year.

“I encourage people to engage with the consultation and to share their views, in particular around the options on resident parking permits.”

Proposals to freeze parking charges for the first three hours at two major car parks - Hines Meadow in Maidenhead and Victoria Street in Windsor – are also included in the consultation.

This would supplement the existing offer of one hour of free parking for residents at these car parks.

Councillor Hill added: “We are sharing our proposed changes to parking fees and charges with the public, so that we can hear views and feedback.

“I am pleased to propose a freeze of parking charges in the main town centre shopping car parks, and to continue with the residents’ one hour free parking scheme.

“This will help to make sure that residents can access affordable parking to shop and enjoy leisure time in their local areas, and to support our town centre businesses. “

The public consultation runs until January 1, 2024. Residents can share their views by following the link here.

Alternatively, those without internet access can use public-access computers at libraries, where paper copies will also be available upon request.