A field outside of Maidenhead could soon be host to more than a dozen antennae that would help transfer data from the USA towards Slough.

The proposals would see a total of 16 antennae arranged in two arrays of eight installed in two small parcels of land within the northern part of the parkland at Hall Place Estate.

These antennae are intended to represent an improvement on a separate array that was granted temporary planning permission near the site in 2017 – which is due to expire next year.

The design and access statement reads: “That application explained that the antenna facilitated the use of existing technology for a new purpose to facilitate a faster transfer of data over long distances.

“This particular array receives a signal from a transmitter in the USA which sends small packets of data at high speed with no intervening infrastructure required.

“To date, the antenna have proved to be very successful, however there is still scope for improving the technology, hence for this application the applicant is keen to try a new arrangement comprising two arrays, with the antenna spaced further apart allowing longer wavelengths to be used.”

The statement adds that for the data to be transmitted to Slough, there are some specific requirements for the site including a clear line of site, a specific angle, and proximity to the main telecoms mast.

It was claimed that this site “is one of only a few suitable locations and the only one in which the applicant has been able to secure a tenancy agreement to place the equipment.”

The statement adds: “However, whilst the location of the current array has proved successful, there is some interference due to the presence of a mature tree to the northwest of the first antenna, which can partly block the signal.

“Hence a slightly revised location, which is free form obstruction is being sought.”

The proposal seeks temporary permission for a period of seven years.

Each of the loop masts would be 2 metres wide and 1.5 metres in height – with a total height of 2 metres on their steel tripods.

Although the site falls within the Green Belt, the applicant is confident that it meets the criteria for the development to be allowed nonetheless.

Their statement adds: “An advantage of the technology being used in this proposal, is that it negates the need for an extensive network of interlinked masts, which are required for both low speed and 5G mobile technology.

“The proposed antenna, can receive data transmitted from the USA, at speeds which rival fibre optic and without the need for any type of infrastructure between the transmitting and receiving equipment.”

To find out more about this planning application, visit the RBWM planning portal with the reference 23/02935/FULL.