A grade II* listed building has been granted permission to carry out internal and external works to provide a tavern, shop and bedrooms.

Elsewhere, office space on the first floor of a Slough building has been given the green light to be turned into accommodation.

To view the applications submitted, type in its reference in brackets into the relevant council's planning portal.

Consent for the conversion of the existing building including internal and external alterations to provide a new tavern, gift shop, workshops and 5 ensuite bedrooms. Two studio units within internal courtyard and construction of a new two storey mews building at the rear of the courtyard to provide 7 suites all to be occupied in association with the tavern as holiday acommodation/short term lets (RBWM app_ 23/01385)

A historic building on Eton high street has been granted approval to offer a new tavern, gift shop, workshop and bedrooms.

Grade II* listed building the Cockpit at the eastern side of the high street has been granted listed building consent to carry out the works.

Despite its historic nature, planning officer wrote: “Overall, the public benefits of bringing the building back into use and securing its optimum viable use would outweigh the harm in this case.”

Planning application for a change of use from office space to residential on first floor, with proposed cycle and bin storage, along with rear access staircase (P/07171/006)

Office space on the first floor of a Slough building has been granted permission to be turned into residential accommodation.

The site on Alpha Street North can now see the floor use changed into a one bedroom home.

Cycle and bin storage are also proposed as part of the plans, as well as a rear access staircase.

Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a virtual private hire operator licence is lawful (RBWM app_ 23/02407)

Permission has been granted for a semi-detached house on Poolmans Road, Windsor to be used to operate private hire services.

Planning officers noted: “The applicant states that there will be no external changes to the property, no aerials, no extra vehicles, no members of the public attending. It will be operated electronically using computer and digital telephone systems.”