A KNIFE-WIELDING attacker has been jailed for slashing a man across the face.

Mohamed Sey, of no fixed abode, appeared in Reading Crown Court on December 4 after admitting one count of Section 18 Grievous Bodily Harm – wounding with intent.

The conviction relates to an incident on September 23, in Britwell, where a man in his forties was stabbed in his own home.

Thames Valley POlice said Sey was brought round to the victim’s house by a second man, before he attacked the homeowner with a knife. 

The victim was slashed across his hands, face and head. He was taken to hospital for treatment but was later discharged.

Sey was sentenced at Reading Crown Court to three years and eight months in prison for GBH.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Aaron De Giorgis of Slough CID, said: “This was a concerning attack on a man in his own home by an acquaintance.

“Officers in Slough and across the Thames Valley take knife crime extremely seriously and we will continue to robustly target and bring to justice anyone involved in an offence such as this or any other knife related crime.

“We are also continuing to work with partners in order to tackle knife crime as a community."