A man has been convicted of burglary after he entered Langley Heritage Primary School at around midnight and stole a laptop.

Tony Robson, aged 51, of Landsdowne Avenue, Slough, pleaded guilty to one count of burglary of a non-dwelling at Reading Magistrates Court on Saturday December 2.

The burglary took place on November 27 when Robson entered Langley Heritage Primary School in Kennett Road, Langley at around 12 am and took a laptop.

Thames Valley Police have issued a statement confirming that he will be sentenced on January 19 at the same court.

Investigating Officer Detective Constable Deborah Rimmer said: “Burglary is an offence which we take extremely seriously and will always investigate thoroughly.

“Burglary causes a tremendous amount of upset to victims and communities, and we will tirelessly investigate such offenses and bring to justice anybody who commits such crimes.”