Major plans for more than 400 new homes have been given the green light.

Royal Borough councillors on the Windsor and Ascot Development Management Committee have granted approval for developer Abri’s regeneration of Sawyers Close to go ahead.

The plans will see 413 new homes built in Windsor following the demolition of existing buildings at the site.

Councillor Helen Price, who was not on the deciding committee, said: “The current four blocks are well past their sell-by date.

“Abri is finding it a real challenge to keep up with repairs, and the living conditions for residents are just not acceptable.

“If passed tonight, the last of the current residents will move into new buildings in 2028, so that’s another five years of deterioration. We can’t wait any longer, the residents can’t wait any longer.”

The existing buildings at the site, with were built around 1960, consist of four medium-rise eight-storey blocks of flats.

Under the new proposals, there would be nine apartment blocks ranging from five to eight storeys as well as seven rows of town houses.

While the officers’ report says 30 per cent of homes would be affordable, Abri, which is a registered housing provider, has indicated its intention for all residential units to be affordable in time.

Although committee members ultimately approved the plans, some concerns were voiced around the provision of parking and transport infrastructure.

A total of 365 parking spaces are proposed as part of the development – less than one per home – although 654 secure cycle storage units are also included.

However, the officers’ report pointed to figures from the 2021 census that suggested 43.7 per cent of Sawyers Close residents do not have a car or van.

Councillor Julian Sharpe said: “I think the points that people have made about travel and parking are all valid, but I think we need to be realistic about this.

“We are here to review the plan that is in front of us, not the plan that we would like to see.”

He added: “I totally agree that the parking may not be exactly what we want, but it is compliant with the borough’s policy.”

The plans are also set to include an area of play, a communal orchard and allotment.

Abri’s Executive Director Development and Strategic Asset Management Stephen Lodge said: “We are extremely pleased that the Royal Borough has agreed to back our plans.

“Over the past couple of years, we have worked closely with the community at Sawyers Close, with their local councillors and with officers at RBWM to make sure that what we plan to deliver meets the future needs of our customers.

To find out more about this planning application, visit RBWM’s planning portal with the reference 23/01090/FULL.