Slough has the most people in hostels or temporary shelters for the homeless of any Berkshire borough according to census data.

The 2021 census found that 13,955 people were in such accommodation for the homeless in England and Wales.

However, this number is likely to be smaller than the overall homeless population, some of whom may have been in alternative forms of accommodation or rough sleeping at the time of the census.

But based on the census criteria, Slough had the largest number of any Berkshire borough, with 49 people identified as homeless.

The next highest number in the county was in the borough of West Berkshire, where 45 people were identified, followed by Reading with 31.

Slough’s MP Tan Dhesi said: “The recent census data highlights the acute challenges in Slough, particularly homelessness, which the Labour Party is committed to addressing.

“This issue, exacerbated by years of harsh Conservative policies, requires focused efforts to support those in need.

“With a housing crisis and rising foodbank usage, we see a clear failure in government action. Labour is set to implement practical solutions, using our proximity to London to create opportunities rather than hardships, and ensuring secure housing for all.”

Commenting on the town’s higher figures, a Slough Borough Council spokesperson said that factors such as a spike in eviction notices, a higher level of referrals from probation and an increase in domestic violence could be among the contributing factors.

They also pointed to the freeze in local housing allowance rates, although this is expected to be unfrozen following the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement.

The census statistics found that Birmingham was the local authority area with the highest number of people identified as homeless under the criteria used at 1,129 people.

Conversely, there were 113 local authority areas out of 331 that showed no people identified as homeless in the 2021 census – including Bracknell Forest and Wokingham.

However, this only means that no one completed a census form from an identified hostel of temporary shelter for the homeless in these areas, not that there are no homeless people there.

Around two-thirds of the people identified as homeless across England and Wales were male.