A man from Twyford has been reunited with a cherished gold ring after it was discovered in a sea of glass bottles at a recycling centre.

The valuable memento was unintentionally dropped into a bottle bank during a local Christmas event.

Patrick, the ring's owner, expressed his gratitude to the hardworking staff at Re3 when his ring, a gift from as far back as his 18th birthday in 1979, was returned safely.

Slough Observer: Ring recovered from bottle bank

"I am lost for words and ever so grateful to all staff who took part in the search.

"I felt devastated when I dropped my ring," he said.

"I am so pleased to have it back and its sentimental value and story associated with this ring has just got a new angle now which I can retell everyone."

The recovery of Patrick's ring is only part of the valuable efforts that re3 employees undertake daily in the spirit of recycling.

Cllr Ian Shenton, Wokingham Borough Council’s Executive Member for Environment, Sport and Leisure, lauds their efforts.

"We are thrilled to share this heart-warming story of the dedication of our recycling centre staff.

"Seeing the ring being returned to its owner certainly sparked joy and the holiday spirit for all involved," he said.

"In this feel-good tale, a reminder is served; With the festive season being a peak recycling time for glass bottles.

"Residents of Bracknell Forest, Reading and Wokingham Boroughs are encouraged to utilise local bottle banks, conveniently situated near parks, community centres and supermarkets.

"Locations can be found on the re3 bottle bank map."

Re3 is a waste management partnership between Bracknell Forest, Reading and Wokingham Borough Councils and FCC Environment.