A man alleged to have taken a knife into a school has been ruled unfit to stand trial - with a jury set to decide the facts in the case.

Matthew Lennox, 25, was arrested at St Joseph's Catholic High School in Slough on March 26 last year.

He was subsequently charged with possession of a bladed article.

Today at Reading Crown Court, Judge Kirsty Real ruled Lennox unfit to stand trial.

This decision followed consultation with the prosecution, defence and other witnesses.

A jury has been convened - but they will not be determining whether the defendant is guilty of the crime he stands accused of.

Lennox did not appear in court to answer to the allegations - and, in light of the judge's decision, he has been excused from attending.

Opening the proceedings, prosecuting barrister Hassan Baig told jurors: "This is a rather unusual case, because what you've been asked is not to ascertain whether he is guilty, but whether he has done the act."

The court was shown body-worn camera footage from PC Patrick Rumbol, a police officer who attended St Joseph's on the day of the incident.

He was responding to reports that an intruder had entered the school premises, which prompted a lockdown for all staff and pupils inside.

The intruder told members of staff that he had a gun.

PC Rumbol pulled a Taser on the intruder, and three other officers rushed to overpower him.

The dramatic footage shows the man - who the prosecution contends was Lennox - being held down and handcuffed.

During the arrest, the intruder appears to taunt the officers, but does not resist after being restrained.

At one point, he asks them: "Why didn't you shoot me?"

In an apparent reference to the George Floyd murder, the detainee exclaims: "I can't breathe."

The footage ends with the man being led to a police car parked outside the school.

Barrister Ed Culver - who has been appointed to represent Lennox - explained his role in the proceedings. He said he was not in court to defend Lennox, or to put across a case.

Rather, he said he was there to help guide the jury towards a factual conclusion.

Referring to the man in the footage, he told jurors: "You will need to be sure that it was Mr Lennox, that he was there, and that he had a knife."