A man has been charged after an attempted murder probe was launched after violence in Slough in which a man was struck by a vehicle and a 'gunshot' was heard.

Thames Valley Police launched the attempted murder investigation on  January 12.

At about 3.15am officers were called to Kaywood Close to reports of violent disorder between a number of men. It is believed during the incident that one man was struck by a vehicle and there were also reporters of a noise that sounded 'like a gunshot.

A man was taken to hospital but has since been discharged.

As part of the Thames Valley Police investigation, Eringlen Cani, aged 32, of Ivenhoe Drive, Harrow, has been charged with possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence, violent disorder, conspiracy to supply a class B drug, namely cannabis and production of a class B drug, namely cannabis on Wednesday, January 24. 

Cani was remanded in custody and is due to appear at Reading Crown Court on February 26.