A family-friendly, funny, inspiring and entertaining West African tale is set to take the stage at The Curve.

Anansi and the Lost Sun is at Curve Venue on Friday, February 16 at 2pm.

The blurb reads: "One day Darkness covers the face of the Land. A Lion appeals for someone to bring back the Light and save the World. Who will succeed? The Powerful Eagle? The Clever Monkey? Or Anansi the Spider and his mates?"

The tale is told using traditional West African stories. The tale is set to enchant, entertain, educate and build cross-generational dialogue. The story is told using puppets made from everyday materials, beautiful original music and spoken word poetry.

Swallow’s Wings Puppetry are London-based Black Creatives empowering children with a reverence for love of African-Caribbean culture and history. They work with children, neurodiverse and hearing-impaired communities as well as elders in the homes and community settings.

Tickets are priced at £10 or £8 for under 16s.