Cutting jobs, closing a major town centre car park and hiking prices across the borough are just some of the cost-saving measures being put forward by Slough Borough Council.

The authority has released its annual budget for the 2024/25 financial year - and is asking residents for their views.

The budget could see a surge in fees and charges for parking as well as a boost for adult social care and more money for housing for the homeless. 

Councillor Dexter Smith, leader of the council, said: “It is vitally important residents can have confidence public money is being spent efficiently, and being invested in the areas which matter to them."

In the first look at this budget, Slough Council is proposing to invest more money into Slough Children First, children’s social care and adult social care.

It also plans to put more money into temporary accommodation for the homeless.

Other investments include IT modernisation projects including equipment refresh and the hiring of additional temporary staff for the customer contact centre.

Meanwhile, the council proposes to save money by deleting vacant posts in some areas and reducing the waste tonnages and cost of disposal.

Other changes that could hit residents are increases in fees and charges including parking, adult social care, buildings and allotments.

Plans also include closing Hatfield Car Park, which has 470 spaces, and leasing Arbour Park to Slough Town Football Club.

The council is also looking at making its buildings more energy efficient. 

Councillor Smith added: “I strongly encourage residents to engage in this process by telling us what is important to them and their families”.

The final budget, including the setting of council tax, will be discussed at a meeting of the council’s Cabinet on February 26 and the final decision made at a Full Council meeting on March 7.

The deadline for comments from the public is February 15. Residents can have their say by emailing