A teenage drug dealer has avoided jail after being caught on a moped with £1,000 of heroin and crack cocaine.

Zaahir Rehman, 19, of Griffin Close, Slough, appeared before Reading Crown Court this morning (February 15).

On September 30, 2022, he was stopped by police riding a moped in Slough.

37 grams of heroin and crack - with an estimated street value of around £1,000 - was found on his person.

Rehman subsequently pleaded guilty to two charges of possession of Class A drugs with intent to supply.

Sentencing Rehman, Recorder Louis Weston described him as a 'runner for a drug dealing crew'.

He said that, ordinarily, being caught with such a large quantity of Class A drugs would merit an immediate prison sentence.

But Recorder Weston said this would not be appropriate in Rehman's case.

He noted that the defendant was only 18 at the time of his arrest, and that he has not offended again since being caught.

Subsequently, Rehman was handed a 58-week prison sentence, suspended for two years.

In addition, Recorder Weston ordered that he attend 25 rehabilitation activity sessions, and carry out 350 hours of unpaid work. He will be electronically monitored for four months.