Windsor Castle has faced heavy scrutiny over the last week after it was revealed that the town's residents will no longer be given free unlimited access to the residence.

The Royal Collection Trust is halting the long-established perk, which offers free entry to local people who have a Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Advantage Card, from June 1.

Cardholders will now have to pay for a ticket to the world’s oldest and largest inhabited castle, but will receive a 50 per cent discount, costing £15 in advance or £16.50 on the day, with free entry for one child up to the age of 17.

The King uses the 1,000-year-old estate in Berkshire as one of his official residences and it is a working palace, often staging investitures and state visits, but remains open to the public throughout the year.

When Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837, she introduced tickets for visitors which could be obtained from the Lord Chamberlain’s Office or from select London booksellers.

Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate Julian Tisi said locals happily welcomed millions of tourists a year and, in return, were able to visit the famous castle when they chose.

Mr Tisi, who is calling for people to support a petition against the change, said: “For many of us who live in Windsor, visiting the castle for free is a great pleasure.

"Windsor, and specifically the castle, is visited by millions of people from around the world.

“During the season, residents gladly welcome tourists to their shops and restaurants, they drive them around in taxis and are happy to give directions in the street.

“In return, we get to live and work near one of the most iconic buildings in the world – and visit when we choose.”

Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead councillor Amy Tisi said she was shocked the free entry offer was being withdrawn without consultation and has requested an urgent meeting with the Royal Collection .

“We consider those in the ‘big house on the hill’ to be our neighbours and want to work with them on this to ensure no resident is priced out of visiting the castle,” she said.

Jack, the Conservative candidate for Windsor constituency, added his disappointment.

“The town and the Castle have a symbiotic relationship. We are proud of the Castle and our Royal connection, but there is a burden to be shared," he said.

"Windsor welcomes over a million tourists a year and that brings a certain amount of traffic and disruption to the town.

"Free entry to the Castle is a welcomed way of recognising that relationship and it should be retained.”

In recent years, the value of the Advantage Card has been diminished with the reduction of discounts at local car parks amid a rise in prices.

Adolfo Guerra said: "First the car park discounts... now this. The advantage card is a paperweight now."

Local resident Warren Bishop said: "Given that we put up with road closures regularly for the changing of the guard and State visits is it really too much to ask for residents to get free entry?"

Jill Bey: "Who made the decision might as well take the Advantage card as well for what it's worth."

Meanwhile, Marc Bowyer said: "It should either be free to all UK residents or chargeable to all UK residents. Just because you live in the borough shouldn’t get your free access when the rest of us have to pay."

A Royal Collection Trust spokesperson said: “We regularly review our pricing against other organisations in the sector and based on this, updated our current Advantage Card offer to be in line with other businesses in the borough.

“We are continuing to explore ways to make the Castle as accessible as possible to visitors from the local area, with current initiatives including free visits for community organisations working with under-represented groups, and a travel subsidy and access scheme for schools working with children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.”

Income generated from admissions to the castle contributes directly to the Royal Collection Trust charity which cares for the Royal Collection and works to promote of access and enjoyment through exhibitions, publications, loans and educational programmes.

Advance adult tickets to Windsor Castle cost £30 per person, while those aged 18-24 can buy advance tickets for £19.50. Child (5-17) and disabled tickets are priced at £15 and access companion tickets and under fives are free.

In response to residents' concerns, the Royal Collection Trust added: "We are currently in discussions with the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead regarding proposed changes to our Advantage Card offer.

"If you wish to provide feedback, please email"