A Datchet burglar who snuck into Legoland Windsor to swipe tablets, a laptop and a yellow Legoland bag has been jailed for six months.

David McManus had gained entry to the grounds of the theme park by using a path for contractors on January 24, a court heard.

The 52-year-old gained access to an office for Legoland staff and took the tablets and the bag, which both belonged to the park, operated by Merlin Entertainments.

Prosecutors said the laptop McManus had taken was a personal one owned by one of the Legoland staff members.

He was captured on Legoland CCTV and was later arrested by police on March 16 in Datchet, Berks., the court heard. McManus was brought before magistrates on March 18 and indicated he would admit the offence.

Tom Blackburn, defending father-of-two McManus, said it was an “impulsive act” and the defendant had not been planning to burgle Legoland in advance. 

The barrister said McManus’s father was receiving end of life care and that the defendant had a history of mental health issues.

“We do ask for a degree of judicial mercy to be shown, particularly bearing in mind the current state of the prison estate”, Mr Blackburn said.

McManus, of Talbot Place, Datchet, had admitted one count of burglary and appeared at Reading Crown Court on Wednesday for sentence.

Mr Recorder Edward Franklin, sentencing, said: “There was plainly some degree of planning involved, given the nature of the location targeted and the fact it was not open to the public.

“You have an extremely extensive criminal record. Many of the offences on that record relate to criminal acquisitive offences, including burglary.”

A probation officer had pointed out in a report that McManus’s offending history included breach of court orders. 

His prospect of rehabilitation was assessed as low while the risk of further harm he posed was assessed as high.

McManus was jailed for six months.