A man who resisted the police after being caught driving without a licence has been spared jail.

Nicholas Shah, 51, of Brambling Way, Maidenhead, appeared before Slough Magistrates' Court on March 25.

Just two days earlier, on March 23, the defendant was caught driving a Mercedes-Benz A-Class without insurance - and whilst already banned from the road.

Officers stopped him in Ray Park Road, Maidenhead, and he conducted himself in an obstructive manner.

As a result, Shah was charged with driving without insurance, driving while disqualified, resisting an officer, failing to stop for police and careless driving.

He pleaded guilty on all counts.

Shah was jailed for 13 weeks, suspended for a year and six months.

He must complete up to 20 days of rehabilitation activities, and has been disqualified from driving for an additional three years.