A college was placed into lockdown after an incident in its car park.

Langley College was rushed to by armed police at approximately 4pm today (May 22).

It followed a report of a "suspicious vehicle" in the area.

Gillian May, Group Principal and Chief Executive at the Windsor Forest College Group said: "We would like to address the isolated incident in the Langley College car park today.

"The situation was handled promptly, prioritizing the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and the broader community.

"No firearms were discharged, and the police response was proportionate to the situation.

"A brief lockdown was implemented. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us."

Thames Valley Police have confirmed the incident was not connected to the college.

A spokesperson for Thames Valley Police said: "This afternoon you may have seen a large police presence in Langley Road, Slough after we received a report of a suspicious vehicle.

"Three men were arrested in connection with the incident and they remain in custody at this time.

"The presence of officers may have been concerning however we believe that this incident is isolated and that there is no cause for alarm or risk to the local community.

"If anyone has any information regarding this incident please make a report online, or phone 101 quoting reference 1114 of today (May 22)."