Parents have rated Adventure Learning Nursery in Slough as one of the Top 20 nurseries, out of 2,306 early years settings in the South East of England.

The top twenty nurseries in the South East have received an award from the leading day nurseries reviews site,, with the award based on the nursery’s reviews from the children’s families and carers.

The nurseries were rated on overall standard, facilities and outside space, learning, resources and equipment and ICT, care, activities, staff, food and nutrition, management, cleanliness, safeguarding as well as value for money.

Amar Bains, director of Adventure Learning said: “Today is a very proud day, we are absolutely thrilled to have received the Top 20 Day Nursery award for 2024 in the South East of England.

“This month was Adventure Learning's 10th anniversary and to mark the occasion, alongside this award that has been received from the positive reviews from our parents and guardians, has been a huge celebration.

“Adventure Learning is a family-run business and all our children, staff and parents become part of the Adventure Learning family.

“We have children from diverse cultural, socio-economic and family backgrounds - Each child is valued, welcomed and encouraged to explore, play and learn."

Adventure Learning celebrated its 10th anniversary on Wednesday, April 24 with a visit from the Mayor.

The Nursery opened its doors in 2014 and provides child care to children aged two to five years.

Amar Bains added: “Over the past decade, it has been a privilege to play a part in helping many children in the local community in Slough, to have the best start in life ready for their transition to school.”

Amanda Hopkins, reviews manager of, said: “We would like to congratulate Adventure Learning Nursery on being rated by parents as a top nursery in the South East of England.

"Being rated so highly by family and carers of children that attend the setting is a huge achievement.

“Our award is valuable recognition from parents and carers that this nursery is offering their children an excellent standard of care and a stimulating environment, which will help boost their development and hopefully create a lifelong love of learning.

“We hope these awards give parents that much-needed guidance in choosing the right nursery for their child.”

There are over 14,000 nurseries in the UK, with over 400,000 people working in the childcare sector. Around one million children in the UK attend a nursery, ranging in age from three months to five years old.