Slough Metro Bank’s Arish Mehta, Local Business Manager, and Syzmon Sierecki, Customer Service Representative, had a tail-wagging adventure at Claire’s Comfy Canines – a renowned and award-winning doggy day care. 

On a sun-kissed day, Arish and Szymon were warmly welcomed by Claire and her team of 60 delightful dogs.

Their visit was a unique blend of business camaraderie and furry affection as they received an exclusive tour of the premises, witnessing first hand how dogs are welcomed into the day care, peeking into their gourmet lunches, and experiencing a day brimming with joy alongside these loveable companions.

“At Metro Bank, Dogs Rule and it is so refreshing to know that Claire’s Comfy Canines shares in the same sentiment” says Arish Mehta, Slough Metro Bank Local Business Manager.

“Claire’s Comfy Canines proves that a business built on love and trust isn’t just successful, – it’s a whole lot of fun!"