A prolific shoplifter from Slough has been jailed for stealing coffee and biscuits from a shop in a Buckinghamshire village.

Anthony Wareham, 43, of Albert Street, was caught taking £102 worth of the good from a Coop in Bourne End on Wednesday, May 22.

He was spotted on CCTV and eventually arrested and charged by Thames Valley Police.

Appearing at High Wycombe Magistrates Court on Thursday, May 23, it was revealed that Wareham had breached his conditional discharge following his most recent shoplifting conviction on April 23 this year, where he stole ready meals from a Tesco supermarket.

Sitting behind the glass box wearing a grey jumper and looking emotionless, it was learnt that Wareham was a regular user of both crack cocaine and heroin, was living off universal credit, and that he had a ‘chaotic’ lifestyle.

Following his recent convictions, he was asked to attend several meetings but failed to do so due to the ‘travelling’.

However, most of his crimes were committed in several locations further away from where he had to visit.

Passing on the sentencing, the judge said that ‘only a custodial sentence can be justified’ and that Wareham was ‘You’re not compliant with his court orders’.

He was jailed for 12 weeks but will be released on license after serving half of that time.