A petition sent to Slough Borough Council has slammed parking permits as "useless".

Residents on Elmhurst Road in Slough have documented a "serious parking issue", despite a resident permit scheme being in place.

It is stated the road is "regularly used by non-residents" and a "lack of warden control" results in the scheme being "pointless".

The 26 residents who have signed the petition have requested more visible enforcement on the road and have suggested that cameras be added to deter "illegal parking".

The residents continued: "[There are] not enough spaces for residents to park.

"Each property has two permits permitted. Therefore, spaces [are] needed back at [the] beginning of [the] road (by Subway)."

Issues with potholes, parking on double yellow lines and a lack of clear signage around marked bays have also been cited as issues.

Large lorries have also made the road "unsafe" due to delivering and parking illegally. according to the residents.

The petition was received by Slough Borough Council on May 22, and has since been passed to the Parking, Highways and Streetworks team on May 30. 

A Slough Borough Council spokesperson said: "We are working with ward members to look at the complaints and petition we have received."