A call has been made for a residential road in Slough to become one-way due to the 'horrendous' amount of traffic during peak hours.

A petition has been launched for Slough Borough to make Wexham Road a one way system.

The petition has been launched by a concerned neighbour who has complained about 'horrendous' traffic during school pick-up and drop making it difficult for neighbours to leave their homes by car.

Schools along the road include St Ethelbert's Catholic Primary School and Khalsa Primary School.

The petition states "The rush hour during school drop off and pick up times is horrendous. People are driving on the road and not giving way to oncoming traffic during school hours.

"People start swearing and shouting which makes it hard for residents to pull out of their driveways during these times to drop off and pick up their own children."

So far, the petition has received eight signatures. You can sign the petition on the borough council website.

The road is divided into two. The main section of the road is a major arterial north-south highway between Slough town centre and Wexham Park Hospital.

Meanwhile, a segregated, residential stretch of Wexham Road runs from Kola Court in the south to Norway Drive in the north.

The petitioners want to make the residential stretch a one-way system.