Organisers at Black Park are trialling a brand-new session called ‘Families Go Wild’ hosting a range of activities for children and families. These will include a mud kitchen, sand pit, bug hunting, game stations, water play, weaving, balancing, crafts, and more.

The event is running in September till October 13 and tickets range from £8.08. Sessions take place on Friday afternoons and sessions are for all, Tots, Families, Home schoolers, and children with special educational needs. The sessions are suitable for children aged 1-10.

Sessions run from 13:00 – 14:30. There will be a new themed game each week along with other ongoing activities. Towards the end of the sessions all families and children gather for refreshments.

The group will meet at Black Pines Camp (behind the picnic area, Foxley Copse). To get there, follow the blue and yellow butterfly signs anti-clockwise around the lake from the car park.